29 July 2007
Three Days
As I've been told to keep the photos of the lead offline, you wouldn't see any, maybe a glimpse, but that's all. I was on Boo's set for Homecoming (working title), his latest short.
D woke up at 7/29/2007 10:26:00 PM [comment]
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24 July 2007
Three Physical Objects
Chuan Yang, who's really far away in the States sent me a postcard a few weeks back.
I miss you, when are you coming back? Sir Ian McKellen watched Happy Endings on Sunday. Here's a photograph with the cast signed by Sir Ian himself. Hansel gave this to me.
I was pretending to be drunk on Saturday night, and maybe that was how this photograph found its way into my pocket.
Alex, I swear I had no idea. But this is really for you.
Junfeng asked me to be Production Assistant and Stills Photographer for Homecoming. And I agreed without hesitation.
What else can I ask for really?
That's when I realised I got to know all these wonderful people, who're now such great friends of mine, through Alfian. When we conversed on IRC, we used to employ these retro icons formed with simple symbols to convey our moods. I use it today:
D woke up at 7/24/2007 01:16:00 PM [comment]
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23 July 2007
Shu and I (and sometimes Melbaby) took 300 photos on Saturday. It's been a long while since I was so happy.
Just posting a few shots. You can take a look at the rest
D woke up at 7/23/2007 10:56:00 PM [comment]
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22 July 2007

Happy Birthday Alfian!
Click to enlarge
D woke up at 7/22/2007 12:05:00 PM [comment]
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20 July 2007
I've been toying with the possibility of working full-time on air and I must say that each airtime experience ever since is like an assessment of that possibility.
I was brain-storming for topics to discuss on air, and decided on birthdays (having celebrated Alfian's) which would link to giving people surprises, and then maybe on Harry Porter and how the cast members have grown over the years and how Harry Porter films have matured thematically.
I ended up doing a call-in Singapore Ghost Stories segment.
My prepared talk-breaks didn't work. But I'm not at all disappointed; just a little confused as to what would possibly go down well with the listeners and what wouldn't. Nevertheless, I will be joining the weekday morning show permanently soon. And that, I'm not afraid, but really happy and flattered to be in such good company. Publicity photo by Z:
D woke up at 7/20/2007 01:48:00 PM [comment]
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05 July 2007
More from Happy Endings: Asian Boys Vol. 3

We hung out last night at Tanglin Village, where we sang on top of our lungs. I wished the night lasted forever.
Encore: Even More from Happy Endings: Asian Boys Vol. 3

Everyone must watch the play!
D woke up at 7/05/2007 06:19:00 PM [comment]
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