29 May 2008
Taiwan: The Sun Soaked Series

I exposed the roll of film accidentally while I was winding it. I was really distraught when it happened because it was my first roll of slide negatives and I was really eager to see how the colours would turn out sans the cross processing. I'm glad at least some made it unscathed.

We would spend hours in the pet shops; our stomach growling but still reluctant to leave the puppies alone.

Somewhere near our hotel in Kao Hsiung - an unsheltered authentic night market.

I love how betel nuts make them think for an extended period of time. I scurried before they could process, "Oh, I think he took a photograph of me."
Perhaps also, I think too much.
It's just that, I can feel so free with my camera in Taiwan. In Singapore I have to mind signboards security shopkeepers saboteurs.

This was taken in a bank. Which DBSPOSBUOB would allow this?

The light leaks, otherwise, made some of these shots rather ghostly.

D woke up at 5/29/2008 09:06:00 PM [comment]
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23 May 2008

My photos of Taiwan are on my Chinese blog because the blog formating allows me to put one photo on the page before viewers can choose to advance to the next.
Click here to begin and select "previous entry" on the green arrow each time to view all 13 photographs.
Facebook Album for easy access
All shot on Minolta SRT-100b and random rolls of film I found in camera shops in Taiwan.
D woke up at 5/23/2008 11:57:00 PM [comment]
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22 May 2008
I didn't really use my digital camera this time. All the frames are captured on film. One roll of which I accidentally exposed. I will bring them all down to the lab and see what turns out. I love the mountains. I read and read and read and slept and ate and ate and read and slept and watched tv.

D woke up at 5/22/2008 10:00:00 PM [comment]
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09 May 2008
The art student expressed his wish to review a different close up photograph of my body everyday, for the next fourteen days while I am away.
Guessing, he says, will be the cure to his yearning.
I packed Liam Finn into my iPod. Music has become such a staple in our relationship that it is almost impossible to suppress a grin whenever I hear Mariah Carey's Butterfly, or to not feel handicapped when Beck is playing on the stereo. Your music is so different from mine, you never appreciated jazz, but like a jazz piece, our relationship harmonized on the oddest chords and strangest time signatures.
The fourteen pictures are not ready. I never liked photographing myself.
But whenever I think of you, I will remember to take a photograph of my immediate surroundings. We will work out a way to jazz up the accidental.
D woke up at 5/09/2008 12:21:00 PM [comment]
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01 May 2008

It's just a "test shoot" and there isn't supposed to be a film title or anything, but because I fell in love with the film photos and I really wanted to make chirashi-looking stuff, I had to make these.
D woke up at 5/01/2008 04:46:00 AM [comment]
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