30 April 2009
been doing some family re-tracing for a class
每回有送瓦斯或報紙的人要來家裡之前,我都會看到她拿著鋼筆在報紙上練習書寫自己的名字 - 郭瑞珍 - 偷看她練習我才知道她的本名原來不是阿嬤。
(2) 阿嬤過世後,我們都搬回祖父家住。我們陪著他晨運、吃飯、看電視。我們習慣坐在他身後的搖搖椅看電視。我和弟弟已忘了如何用興化話與他溝通了。
有幾次,我們和阿公看電視,他都會突然轉過頭來,跟我們說一些我們聽不懂的興化話,但他的表情很快從自然的分享愉悅轉成錯愕還有一種「咦?怎麼... ?哦...」的接受。
(3) 媽媽從我很小的時候就非常相信我的審美觀,現在也一樣。我喜歡媽媽穿套裝,還有一件她特別訂做的百褶裙。我記得那設計,有銀色,紫色,綠色... 最近一次,媽媽很高興地拿了早上剛買的衣服給我看,問我漂亮嗎。她說售貨員給她打折,而且這批貨是韓國的... 我看了布料還有設計,問了價錢,突然感到很內疚... 我常與朋友到商圈逛街,偶爾當他們的時尚顧問,卻很自然的忘了家中的媽媽...
D woke up at 4/30/2009 02:25:00 PM [comment]
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On the Road #2 - Hualien, Central Mountain Range
D woke up at 4/30/2009 01:05:00 AM [comment]
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29 April 2009

On the Road - #1 (Kending)
D woke up at 4/29/2009 01:04:00 AM [comment]
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28 April 2009

A protest in school yesterday about rising hostel accommodation fees.
They covered the iconic structure of National Taiwan University - this school chime/bell thing that goes off 21 times infrequently, to remind students that one should spend 21 hours a day musing.

Very orderly and cheerful what.
D woke up at 4/28/2009 11:40:00 AM [comment]
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The flash went on accidentally in class.
It's getting cold again.
D woke up at 4/28/2009 11:33:00 AM [comment]
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26 April 2009

wished you were here..
by chance of coursework, i was reading monette's 'borrowed time' on the trip to hualien - an exhaustively depressing journey that made the skies grayer and the clouds looming above the mountains heavier than they already were. i loved what rog wrote in paul's journal:
"if later on, as we read this, we might think, 'how happy we were then!' at least we'll have that. that as we lived them, these moments, we knew they were important, and that's all there is."
D woke up at 4/26/2009 11:50:00 PM [comment]
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22 April 2009
I had a very good trip up to Taizhong last weekend and I attribute a large part of it to the presence of my cousin. I've been staying in Taipei for about 2 months now, and I haven't had a real heartfelt conversation with anyone until last weekend. For two nights, and an afternoon, we slept on the same bed and we spoke at length about everything - about our perceptions of love, about the right job, about life, about friends.. even table manners.
I realized the years that we've grown up together - the stay-overs in a tent in her room, our trips to Far East Shopping Centre (and once IKEA) while we were still in oversized school uniforms, annual trips overseas which includes Taiwan and our common love for film and images - have made us both become really quite similar individuals. How that could ever be possible, I finally understood.
We had dinner the final night she was in Taipei, and she told me she was happy she was going home. I told her that I feel stuck here sometimes. There is no way I can proclaim that it's the end of my vacation and I can return home to what is familiar, my family and friends especially, until the stipulated time.
But I only feel that sometimes. Like tonight.
D woke up at 4/22/2009 03:04:00 AM [comment]
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21 April 2009

after the flash, it scurried away.
D woke up at 4/21/2009 11:00:00 PM [comment]
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20 April 2009

Two cities, two differences:
1. In Taipei, it costs you 0.7NTD to print or photocopy on only one side of the paper. If you choose to print on both sides, it would cost less - 0.6NTD. The rationale: to cut down on the quantity of paper used. In Singapore, it usually makes no difference, and I've always been persuaded to print on just a side. The rationale: it's less troublesome.
2. In Singapore, numerous unoccupied taxis zoom by you during peak hours, despite your desperate flagging. The reason: there is a premium in picking up call-service customers for the taxi drivers. In Taipei, there is also an excessive amount of taxis on the streets, but the reverse is true here. You pay a discount when you call for taxis. The rationale: call-service taxis require a certain waiting time and as customers, you're compensated for it.
D woke up at 4/20/2009 04:46:00 PM [comment]
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19 April 2009
D woke up at 4/19/2009 04:50:00 AM [comment]
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18 April 2009
D woke up at 4/18/2009 02:57:00 AM [comment]
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17 April 2009
the first best year of my life.
never knew you could be so sweet. ha ha.
eight more weeks :)
D woke up at 4/17/2009 02:40:00 PM [comment]
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16 April 2009
D woke up at 4/16/2009 01:38:00 PM [comment]
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14 April 2009
D woke up at 4/14/2009 02:10:00 PM [comment]
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13 April 2009

It's been all the same things - cats children dogs grass.
D woke up at 4/13/2009 12:59:00 AM [comment]
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12 April 2009

One of the classrooms in school. I don't know what I did to make the dates appear on my point and shoot.
D woke up at 4/12/2009 12:00:00 AM [comment]
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11 April 2009
D woke up at 4/11/2009 09:01:00 PM [comment]
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01 April 2009
D woke up at 4/01/2009 03:52:00 PM [comment]
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