31 May 2009

They operate by nicknames here, though I have resisted adopting an official one, so I have plenty arbitrary ones, but none that I respond to all the time.
Here's 澎澎 Pong Pong sometimes also known as Ho Ho for his snigger (澎季群)who stays near 阿里山 (Alishan), and 瑋瑋 who is accident prone. They're my group mates in a class I take on Wednesdays: Spiritual Care in the End Stage of Life, where a lot of our class is really, about happiness.
D woke up at 5/31/2009 04:00:00 PM [comment]
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30 May 2009

小珮 & 小佑(李俊佑):An extremely endearing couple on the same tour group as us in Penghu. 小珮 is an elevator lady in Sogo Taichung and 小佑 works in some engineering firm (if my memory doesn't fail me).
While we said goodbye as they headed for Da Cang, an island we covered on the first day as we arrived earlier, we thought, if the island of Da Cang was disastrously boring and pathetic, their love for each other (7 years!) would make it nonetheless marvelous.
D woke up at 5/30/2009 12:01:00 AM [comment]
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29 May 2009
D woke up at 5/29/2009 07:06:00 PM [comment]
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D woke up at 5/29/2009 03:52:00 PM [comment]
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27 May 2009
D woke up at 5/27/2009 10:26:00 AM [comment]
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26 May 2009

The Jet Star Guy Has No Nipples.
D woke up at 5/26/2009 03:00:00 PM [comment]
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25 May 2009
Near my school's back gate, in the evening, my cycling route to a stretch of diners or to a train station that would bring me to town. I am fully aware of how I am setting myself up again and again for a catastrophic flood of yearning for this place when I am home again, this place with its quick and deeply moving light, and passionate, good-spirited friends. I am consuming them all in amounts that are larger than what is healthy for a rational, easy retreat when it is due, and painfully inevitable. "A month's time," I slowed down a little in my reply, when I realized that while the answer was reflexive, the sequela came much later, or earlier, depending on one's perspective.

I was alone that evening and a little homesick, so I thought it was time to abandon my bicycle to take a walk around the vicinity. Before I got my bicycle, I reasoned, I saw
more. That was when I fell in love with the city again, the freedom I saw in its disordered wires that were functioning and never rioting, how if I took turns in the corners I would find strange cafes and bookstores and wonder if they'd be elsewhere next summer. No one spoke about the graying walls or rusting metal almost as if they'd replace themselves quietly. The Taiwanese understood that perhaps only until they retire themselves, they should be respected. We need not always make room for the new.
A typical meal I would have when I eat alone.I know CM is afraid of being alone, as much as he would never admit it. But I know, because he would seek company in almost everything he does, especially meal times. My turning vegetarian is the most isolating thing I'd ever done to him. I can already imagine how he would crave for fried chicken wings in the middle of the night and the coldness of him having to eat them alone.
I've been waking up early to read, sleeping earlier too, save for nights that are spent at the bar. "Regular hours," as my Mom would have said. The entire journey was relayed in my head last night as I saw countless questions that swirled around me when I was back home, being resolved one by one back here. They were not completely answered, but at least I knew for once, what I had to do.
Oh, and of course, there is the one that I've met, that would linger in my thoughts for a lifetime.
D woke up at 5/25/2009 01:11:00 PM [comment]
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24 May 2009

Salt crystals in my hair!
D woke up at 5/24/2009 09:00:00 PM [comment]
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23 May 2009
D woke up at 5/23/2009 02:12:00 PM [comment]
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21 May 2009
D woke up at 5/21/2009 12:00:00 AM [comment]
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20 May 2009

I like how slow they are in responding. And how they take time to
D woke up at 5/20/2009 01:35:00 AM [comment]
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19 May 2009
This angel, she's my favourite angel. I like them best when they're statutory. They commemorate death but suggest a world without dying. They're made of the heaviest things on earth: stone and iron. They weigh tons. But their winged. They're engines and instruments of flight."
Prior Walsh, Angels in America
Written by Tony Kushner
D woke up at 5/19/2009 07:33:00 PM [comment]
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I want to be out in the open, sheltered by you.
D woke up at 5/19/2009 10:49:00 AM [comment]
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18 May 2009

There is a photograph of you that stares back at me on the screen. Your mouth agape, and I am unable to detect if it is wonder or mischief, or even vertigo, as you are clinging on to the railings; you are falling, that is. But while I am undecided, you are staring back at me, conscious of the shutter. I've grown to learn in the past year that the look on your face is one that you use both impishly and when you are bewildered. You must have been only nine, but your menu of expressions have already been etched and imprinted. Where did you learn this from, I wonder? My eyes meet yours and above them I see hair that is pulled back by what I thought to be initially as a blue hairband. It was a water-bottle strap you slung on your head, the bottle hanging slightly obscured behind your hips, leading me to your exposed zipper. You are trying hard to keep your footing - a stark contrast to my own stationary poses in my childhood photographs - and you do it with ease and pleasure, though in your eyes, euphoria are often instant flashes. I recognize the background: it's the airport, a place for arrivals and departures, where in our country families spend their weekends dining and observing hoards of travelers take off in Boeings and Airbuses. Did your father take this picture, I wonder? He must have, for how else would he know that this is indelibly you, and will continue to be - trying everyday to be back in balance, checking off items on to-do-lists and rationalizing utility in everything, even words. But I am guessing he also knew that memory was fallible and he was always ahead of you in time. It is persistent and relentless till cessation. But what I wanted to tell you was that, it is never an end, like that instant of your life that had been exposed and reflected, caught, as a photograph; it is perhaps more accurately but a pause, a break before the next instant, the next ephemeral moment, which we often mistake for as a lifetime.
D woke up at 5/18/2009 01:31:00 AM [comment]
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17 May 2009
i'm a rider!

(illegally of course) and we had to learn to ride it in a minute!
D woke up at 5/17/2009 02:32:00 PM [comment]
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16 May 2009

Exhausted... (pleasantly)
D woke up at 5/16/2009 11:30:00 PM [comment]
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14 May 2009
D woke up at 5/14/2009 12:10:00 AM [comment]
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13 May 2009

我是你的朋友 / 我愛你 / 我看見你的需要 / 我聽見你的聲音 / 我欣賞我的內在智慧 / 我也敬你為師
D woke up at 5/13/2009 10:58:00 PM [comment]
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The opera and the golden archs - this photo is for you - your parents and your diet.
D woke up at 5/13/2009 12:02:00 AM [comment]
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12 May 2009
D woke up at 5/12/2009 12:03:00 AM [comment]
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11 May 2009
D woke up at 5/11/2009 12:39:00 AM [comment]
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10 May 2009

I'm such a groupie.
D woke up at 5/10/2009 05:06:00 PM [comment]
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09 May 2009
D woke up at 5/09/2009 01:25:00 AM [comment]
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08 May 2009

Still waiting and extremely bored with the fillers..
D woke up at 5/08/2009 12:27:00 AM [comment]
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07 May 2009

Still waiting.. we were entertained by poor fillers. And I love the stage.
D woke up at 5/07/2009 12:50:00 AM [comment]
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06 May 2009

Jeff and the golden sun. We were both waiting for someone and his guitar.
D woke up at 5/06/2009 04:44:00 PM [comment]
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05 May 2009

Some corner in school, late afternoon.
D woke up at 5/05/2009 11:41:00 PM [comment]
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04 May 2009
also on the road

I was listening to Bryan Ferry's
"When Somebody Thinks You Are Wonderful" which came in right after
"I'm In The Mood For Love".
D woke up at 5/04/2009 08:26:00 PM [comment]
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Fogged Vision #4
but i guess i always look forward to calling you at night. it seems like the only thing i truly enjoy doing here - calling and talking to u and telling you what i've seen or heard or bought today.. when you're unavailable or if you don't listen to what i have to say it's as if today's wasted and I didn't live it right.
nothing happened today, by the way. i laid in bed and thought of you. and that's all. oh, i managed to finish the assignment i'd been procrastinating. and after i hung up at the phone booth - the trigger for our quarrel - and walked up to my room, i spotted a cockroach for the first time in taipei. summer has arrived. and i really miss u.
D woke up at 5/04/2009 12:09:00 AM [comment]
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03 May 2009
Fogged Vision #3
Gone with the wind.In AWARE's case, good riddance. Welcome back, Dana Lam!
D woke up at 5/03/2009 01:52:00 AM [comment]
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02 May 2009
Fogged Vision #2

D woke up at 5/02/2009 12:02:00 AM [comment]
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01 May 2009
Fogged Vision #1

D woke up at 5/01/2009 01:47:00 PM [comment]
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