16 August 2011
D woke up at 8/16/2011 12:34:00 AM [comment]
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D woke up at 8/16/2011 12:32:00 AM [comment]
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07 August 2011


D woke up at 8/07/2011 11:25:00 PM [comment]
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02 August 2011
i was drained by the end of the day, awake for almost 14 hours, and working most of the time.
when i got home, i just laid on the tatami and fell asleep, never mind my perspiration.
i realised, after a shower, that you have been leading a life like that for at least the last ten years of your working life.
how exhausting.
did you finally get a proper rest?
i remember you in bits and pieces.
some from my primary school, but mostly from your tortured life in the catholic high office.
somedays i still feel like walking into the principal's office and giving him a really good talk.
most days, i remember how you told me to forgive and forget, while you smiled and made dinner for all of us.
i miss your cooking, a lot.
good culinary skills was something that mattered to you.
i regret not tasting that stewed pork you made on chinese new year because i was already vegetarian.
i cannot look past the fact that you're gone in your photographs.
some things get better with time.
but missing someone you know is gone forever, doesn't.
D woke up at 8/02/2011 10:07:00 PM [comment]
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