20 August 2014
i am in love with these quiet nights when the seasons are settling into themselves
the winds are less strong
and there is no ambivalence in the temperature
or our choices of clothing
you asked me what i wrote about in Chinese
on the day we met
and I couldn't answer you
because it was a dreadful self-pitying reflection on
missed chances to connect
despite a strong feeling that we must have met
and known each other
for a few lifetimes in fact.
it was about my few meetings with people
you, especially,
and the weight that comes with knowing
that perhaps it was not possible for something concrete to materialise.
that, now, we have chosen to sculpt and carve a life of our own,
seemed at that time
impossible and inappropriate.
i did not translate it,
as at that moment you asked me,
those sentiments were forgone and unnecessary.
we had each other in our embraces
and definitely, a future postcode.
i didn't tell you,
because i wished secretly for that summer of music on the balcony to never end.
and while the season draws to a close,
we are beginning a new one on our own.
indefinitely stretched, and in a bliss of echoes that goes
"Oh I...
I want to be with you everywhere."
we took the music to mornings,
a sunrise cut into strips by the blinds,
arched across our bodies
cocooned in bed.
D woke up at 8/20/2014 07:43:00 AM [comment]
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18 August 2014
Jun -Jul, 2011
the sea, the sea
& the ranges
of emotions
and frothy air bubbles
don't take me seriously.
this is not art,
just rambling. and
thoughts, while i wait.
D woke up at 8/18/2014 07:59:00 PM [comment]
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15 August 2014
a deep engulfing sorrow still grips my heart
when i see your pictures accidentally on my desktop
i didn't set out to cry
but just scrolling past them,
my tears would well up.
i was talking to siu about this the other day
he said,
the mourning never stops.
but smile,
we both agreed.
after shedding a tear or two,
you know they're happy
and they would be happy to know you are too.
D woke up at 8/15/2014 05:53:00 PM [comment]
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